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Understanding Constipation: Symptoms and its Causes

Constipation Causes and Symptoms

What Is Constipation?

Constipation is a digestive condition characterized by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty passing stools, and/or hard, dry stools. It can cause discomfort and pain which can also lead to complications, such as fecal impaction or rectal bleeding. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Constipation?

The symptoms of constipation can vary from person to person, but some common symptoms include:

1. Infrequent bowel movements: Having fewer than three bowel movements per week is considered constipation.

2. Hard, dry stools: Stools that are difficult to pass, small in size, dry and hard are a common symptom of constipation.

3. Straining during bowel movements: Constipation can cause discomfort and require extra effort to pass stools.

4. Abdominal pain: Constipation can cause cramping, bloating, and pain in the abdomen.

5. Nausea: Some people with constipation may experience nausea or vomiting.

6. Rectal bleeding: Infrequent bowel movements and straining can cause small tears in the anus and rectum, leading to rectal bleeding.

7. Incomplete evacuation: The feeling of not completely emptying the bowels after a bowel movement is a common symptom of constipation.

If you are experiencing symptoms of constipation, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Constipation causes and symptoms

Causes Of Constipation

Constipation can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Diet: Low-fiber diets, dehydration, and a lack of fluids can contribute to constipation.
  2. Physical inactivity: A sedentary lifestyle can slow down digestion and lead to constipation.
  3. Medications: Certain medications, such as opioids, antacids containing calcium or aluminum, and anticonvulsants, can cause constipation.
  4. Medical conditions: Constipation can be a symptom of underlying medical conditions, such as IBS, IBD, hypothyroidism, and Parkinson’s disease.
  5. Aging: As people age, muscle tone in the intestines may decrease, leading to constipation.
  6. Changes in routine: Travel, changes in diet or physical activity, and stress can disrupt normal bowel patterns and lead to constipation.
  7. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes and increased pressure on the rectum and intestines from the growing uterus can cause constipation during pregnancy.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to identify the underlying cause of constipation and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Fortunately, constipation can be easily treated by taking the natural, effective, safe & palatable PRULAX, a product of Matrix Pharma.

Prulax is made from concentrated prune juice, which is known to relieve constipation naturally.

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